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  Campaign 2024 Donald Trump Campaigns in Wolfeboro NH  CSPAN  October 14, 2023 6:31pm-8:03pm EDT

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the dangers of reporting and conflict zones. her son was captured and killed by isis terrorists. she speaks at an event hosted by the national prescribed -- national press club. watch live on c-span, cspan now app, and online at announcer: a healthy democracy does not just look like this. it looks like this, where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly
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informed our republic thrives. get informed straight from-- of the united states, president donald j. trump!
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[chanting "trump!"] ♪
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[chanting "usa"] fmr. pres. trump: i want to thank everybody very much. this is great. it's great to be with you. and it's really been something very special. this whole endeavor we have all been through. and our country has been through a lot. even today, there is no teleprompter working. this is nice. this has happened oftentimes. if this happens to biden, it's big trouble. if it happens to me, we get through it. they are like what the hell happened here? we are going to do very well. i want to thank you all because this has been a tremendous day
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for us great we love it. we love the people. it's important. we're going to win the big primary that's coming up in an epic landslide. landslide territory. polls are through the roof. joe biden is a crooked man. indeed he is. in november, we will have the greatest election we ever had. we won the first one, the second one, now we will win it so much [indiscernible] [applause] i want to think my new hampshire cochairs. where is bruce? thank you, good job, bruce. great job. another one is lou gargiolo. where is lou? stand up. i have known lou a long time.
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a man who is highly respected in washington and did a fantastic job. senator bob smith. i don't know why he is not a senator anymore. and mary jo, thank you very much. new hampshire gop vice chair ryan jarrell. thank you. i like his hair. i'd like to have hair just like that. can i have that? i love your hair. and caroline levitt who has been incredible. she ran an incredible race. came out of nowhere. she almost won that race. i'm actually glad she lost, because now she is with us. i like it much better. and she is going places. she has been fantastic and great on television. a lot of people don't do too
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well on television. it's a nonfactor. some people are very bad on television. like biden. he is probably your number one example. i can't think of anybody that is worse. our carroll county campaign chair, frank mccarthy. frank and his wife terry. thank you very much. great job. i saw a tear coming out of her i, that means she likes us. thank you, darling, we appreciate it. our top two phone colors. they are more important than everybody, john and nicole. where are they? what a great job. for decades, the people of new hampshire have been sold out. been ripped off by everybody and betrayed by the corrupt globalists of washington, wall
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street, combinations of washington and wall street are the worst of all. it has never been worse than it is under joe biden, and frankly, his boss barack hossein obama. cricket joe puts china first, mexico first, ukraine first. europe first, illegal aliens first. environmental lunatics and maniacs first. these are maniacs these people. i don't know if they really believe it, or if it is just something to hurt our country. everyone else's first. he puts us last. he puts our industries last. he puts your families last. everything that is good, he puts last. a lot of times, it is like april fools' day.
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open border. he wants an open border? only stupid people. he wants not to have voter id. we will not have voter id. for their democratic convention, they had a voter id, hung like a chain around their neck. it was a picture. i think it had every bit of information never. you could read their biography. they couldn't get into the convention without it. but now voter id. the reason they don't want it, caroline, is because they wanted cheap. i put america first every single time. since joe biden took office, since he took office, cumulative inflation has reached nearly a 20% number. a number that i don't think they have seen ever.
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the 30-your mortgage rates just hit a 27-year high. congratulations all of you people looking for a house. you will be looking a long time. even if you are willing to pay it, the banks aren't giving money. the big banks like bank of america and chase discriminate against conservatives. you know that, right? we will stop that fast. they will not do any business with our government. i know them better than anybody. they discriminate against republicans, conservatives and it's a his grace frankly. under my leadership, we had no inflation, and the 30-year mortgage rate was at an all-time low. that is better than paying 8% and we don't give you the money. if you pay 12%, they give it to
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you. the typical family has a lot to $7,400 in annual income with crooked joe in the white house. i changed the name from sleepy joe because it was even more accurate. they are both very accurate. and i took it off hillary because i don't like using the same name for two people. we have plenty of words we can use. i took it away from hillary because she is no longer relevant. even though she is still complaining about the election. no, it wasn't russia. she is still complaining. did they indict her for complaining about the election results of 2016? is hillary indicted for that? that's strange i got indicted for that. you think there is a double standard out there? i was right.
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we took it off hillary because she is a beautiful woman, and we want to use cricket for biden. under president, real family income increased over $6,000 a year. in new hampshire, you picked up $7,000, as opposed to losing $8,000. but no biden attack on the people of this state has been worse than the socialist calamity known as they green new deal. which has struck new hampshire with the highest energy costs anywhere in the nation. you want to speak to your governor about that, by the way. you pay the highest energy costs anywhere in the country. you know that, right?
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there is no reason for it. it's bad government. you should have to speak to locals also. you are the number one in the whole nation, it is ridiculous. right now, countless new hampshire families are getting ready to heat your homes this winter with the cost of residential fuel oil up 74% to almost five dollars a gallon. congratulations, that's very nice. when i left office, we headed down to $1.99 a gallon. we had did a great job. remember, i said drill, baby, drill. they were all going to go out of business, we had to say, slow down a little bit. they were going to drill themselves out of business. had a couple of days where it was down to one dollar 47 cents for gasoline for the car. we had to get it up.
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i hated to do that to you, but they were putting each other out of business. we filled out the national strategic reserves. and then biden took it to keep your gas prices artificially low. now it is at the lowest level in history. there's is almost nothing there. that was meant for war. who could imagine a war, right? with people pouring into our country and we have no idea from where they come. the same people in many cases that just attacked israel. can you imagine what this guy has done to us? that would have never happened. the attack on israel would never ever have happened. the attack on ukraine would never have happened. inflation would never have happened. none of it would have happened. we would have been a different country because right now we are a country in serious decline. to bring down the energy cost of new hampshire families, i will
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immediately rescind every green new deal catastrophe of the biden administration. we will drill, baby, drill. we will get them way down. if they will build a pipeline, and we started it, and were just about set to have it, then you had that result in the election that was so terrible. going through a very poor section of new york. the people up there wanted it very much. if you have a pipeline, your numbers will come down more than half. it's amazing. knowing this guy, he gets oil from venezuela, why not from russia? you use to have ships from russia coming to give you your oil and gas. that ships would come in from russia. we had so much. more than anybody else in the world. you needed a pipeline, but your democrats won't approve it. your governor hasn't been able
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to get it done. it would be a shame if they go through a poor section of new york state, you what out from the highest to about the lowest. all they need is a pipeline. we headed set to go. just like we had the wall built. and then they don't want to finish it. we did 561 miles of wall. we had another 200 that we ordered. you do it, then you do a little more. we had 200 miles ready to be installed. it would have taken three weeks. then we had an election result. then they decided not to use it. these guys really do want to have open borders. it's inconceivable that somebody would say open borders with all the problems it has brought. you see it up. a lot. but some of these places, they can't even breathe. even democrats are going against
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it. it is insane what is going on. joe biden's delusional power plant regulations are just crazy things. too lengthy to explain. but they are just insane things they want to do to destroy our country. they are forcing hundreds of powerplants to shut down with nothing to replace them. it is a massive gift to communist china. just a big gift. they want to close down powerplants and have 50-100 years of life left. china is building a power plant every week for coal. they only use coal. they like coal because it is very inexpensive. they don't use clean coal. they have things called clean coal now and natural gas, lots of great things that have tremendous power. germany decided to go green. they were going to go out of business and have now started to
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build coal fire plants all over the place grade they have gone from one extreme to the other. put clean coal and it is ok and has power. and obviously, natural gas is very clean. but we don't do that. we use things we can't get. the windmills that are subsidized heavily by the government and they cost a lot. if you have one near your house, your house is worthless, between the noise and the look, you can't sell it. it is the most extensive energy you can have. and you have to rebuild them every 10 years. they don't just keep growing. they get ripped to pieces. and then they kill all the whales, right? they kill all the whales and then they say the boat can't go more than two miles an hour because we don't want to hurt the whales, even though there has been only one recorded incident of that in 50 years.
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but all the time now we see whales washing up on shore because of those big wind turbines they are building in the ocean that are unbelievably expensive. even with subsidies, these companies are all canceling out because it doesn't work. so, the whales will be happy about that. i will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. we will regain energy independence. you were energy independent three years ago, soon to be energy dominant. we were going to sell our energy to europe. make a lot of money. reduce your taxes even further. the trump administration gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. bigger than the reagan cuts by a lot. we would cut them even still further and reduce debt. we were going to sell oil and gas to europe at good prices. instead they did nord stream 2 with russia.
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i stopped it, it was totally dead, then biden approved it. he says, you are very nice to russia. no, no, they say so nice, you are the worst thing that happened to us. but i, along. i stopped nord stream 2 the biggest thing they have ever done. and then biden approved it. you tell me, who is tougher? just that one thing alone and they would have never gone into ukraine. that i can tell you. not even a little chance. for two reasons. number one is i said, you can't go in, what i will do is so bad. note, you won't. it so bad, i don't want to do it. he goes, no way. i said way. [laughter] he didn't believe me, he believed me 10%.
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10%, that's all we needed. 10% is enough. there was never any movement. we proved that for four years there was no thought of that. they wouldn't have gone in because we had oil at $40 a barrel. they didn't have the money to do the war. he wouldn't have been able to. now it is $100 and going higher. it was $115 when he started this thing. he will be the only guy to make a lot of money off a war. he wouldn't have been able to do that with us because you couldn't have made the money at $40 a barrel. so that would have never happened. it wouldn't have happened for the first reason. i will quickly cut new hampshire gas and heating bills. we will cut them at least in half. we will get it done very quickly , which i think is an important point for us to talk about. when you look at your bills
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compared to other people. this guy has let energy go through the roof. inflation started with energy. it's not that complicated. when you have a doughnut shop or food shop or dress shop, you need heat, you need trucks to deliver your product. energy is so big, so important, and it just went through the roof and took everything with it. now, they say bacon has gone up five times. meaning five times in the last year and a half. even i'm cutting back on bacon. it's too expensive. [laughter] but i will be the american energy president. i really have been. we were in third place when i started. within two years, we were not only in first place, we were much bigger than saudi arabia and russia. if you look at a flipchart, i
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want to have my people start putting up these charts because they are really good. it explains it better than all the words on earth. you had russia here like this. you had a saudi arabia a little above russia. you had a house pretty far down here. by the time i finished, we were like a rocketship. we were way beyond that. and all of that extra energy, we didn't need it from anybody. we didn't need to guard other countries. we had more than any other country in the world. it was such a big deal. reagan couldn't do it. bush didn't try too hard. different mindset. i got it done. as big as saudi arabia. in alaska. biden comes in and within the first week, they terminated it. it was so much work to get it
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approved. they were ready to start drilling. and the alaska people were devastated because it was the greatest economic project. even for the country. i will get it approved very quickly. i got it approved, and i will get it approved very quickly. but the united states will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon. almost as soon as we're in. is going to go very quickly. right away, anywhere on earth, we will have the lowest energy. right now, you have one of the highest. on day one, i will also repeal joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate. everybody has to have an electric car. darling, let's drive down to florida. we like to get some sun in florida. let's drive to south carolina, let's drive to texas.
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[no audio] ten minutes to get very paranoid because you are looking for a new charging station. you are petrified will be in the middle-of-the-road in the middle of nowhere and you run out of the charge, as they call it. but the tow business is extraordinarily good read they are telling these cars along to the place. you see beautiful, brand-new cars being towed to a charger. it's ridiculous. i'm a believer in electric cars, but whatever the market bears. we have more gasoline than anybody on earth. more than saudi arabia and russia. much more than russia. we have more than anybody. i like hybrid. i like everything. you can make everything. in california, they want to go with all-electric.
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every weekend, they have a blackout. they don't have enough electricity. and you know who makes electricity? coal makes it. and you know who else makes it? oil makes it. so, you hear oh, the electric. grid. it's all generated. the initial charges made with oil and coal and different other products. these people are absolutely crazy. under a trump administration, gasoline-powered engines would be allowed, but child sexual mutilation will be banned if that's okay. if that's okay. [applause] right?
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[chanting "usa"] fmr. pres. trump: every time i mention we will stop child mutilation. think of it, 10 years ago you are a politician and you get up today, we will stop child sexual mutilation. the people would say what the hell is he talking about, that's not possible. they mutilate. what they do to your children without your approval. these people, they are crazy. to think i have to say that. or to think i have to say we will ban men from participating in women's sports. have you seen the weightlifting records? can you believe it? they are lifting 150 pounds more. they have a record 18 years,
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they put an ounce on one side, girl gets up, i can't do it. she is the world champion. i can't do it, mom. mom is in the front, that is in the front. she can't do that extra little two ounces. a guy gets up who recently transitioned. have you lifted before? "not really." and he goes with one hand. lift a neck strip ounce but what about 100, that's not a record that could be broken by anyone but carolyn. not too many people will be breaking that, right. after many decades of failure and betrayal, we will cast from the power of diehard, that's what happens, these diehard globalists like joe biden who is crooked. when i got indicted the first
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time, i said, this was never supposed to happen to an expert in who did a great job. i did a great job. we had the best economy. we had the best border. [laughter] we had the best everything. i got indicted so fast, one after another after another, election interference. oh crappy. and i said the gloves are off. i never talked about him this bad, i respect to the office. more so than him. but when i got indicted four times, and i have civil trials, the dea -- da in new york, a totally corrupt attorney general, totally the teacher james, totally corrupt, he said that mar-a-lago is worth 18 million dollars and it's worth
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billions of dollars, but they said that this is what the trump -- it is so, so sad, but the gloves were off, and i tell the fact that he is a corrupt politician, grossly incompetent, and he is the worst president in the history of our company and is destroying our company. -- country. i would not have spoken like that out of respect for the office, but we are going to protect -- ron desantis comes along. i got him elected, then he says four years later, that i have no,, that's the same thing, when they say i have no comment, that is the same thing. by the way, we have a very special congressman, would you and your wife please stand up. great people. right people, i see you sitting here. they didn't put you on the screen, but i appreciate you being here, it's an honor from texas. and they are incredible, very
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great people, both of them. and they did up with them, the stella proctor isn't doing so well, they didn't put him down, i would never ever get his vote, he would vote to impeach me, i might be in trouble like other crazies. we had nancy pelosi. crazy nancy. she came out and she said impeach him, then they found out i did nothing wrong and they had already started, and they said let's go through with it anyway, it turned out the phone call i got, i'm the only guy who could get impeached on a perfect phone call, it was a it turned out now two years later that was 100% right. because they were crooked people. it turned out by jim and his son the whole thing, they were crooked people. one thing i did because of that gentleman right there and some others like him, we had 197
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republicans at the time, i believe, and i got 197 votes in favor of no impeachment from the republicans. that's right, thank you very much. [applause] i'm glad i saw you sitting there, i would've been in trouble. >> thank you, we have some of the great people in the audience and we appreciate you being here. on behalf of the trumpet ministration we will protect american jobs, american wages and american borders. we will most important protective macon families because families -- american families because families are being hit hard. inflation is called a country buster. it busts countries. if you look at germany from many years ago or anywhere inflation comes, now or 200 years ago, when they had inflation they had broken countries. we are close to a broken country, and we are close to a country that will be in a third world war, because we haven't
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incompetent president who has no clue. this is not a war with an army tank -- and tanks going back and forth, this is an army with the likes of which nothing can imagine. obliteration. obama has plenty to do with it. obama has plenty to do with it. i called him bidens pause. -- bidens boss. it's very serious, we are in very grave danger of world war iii. this will be a war of obliteration. this will not be a war with army tanks going back and forth shooting at each other. this is the real deal. and we have a man that cannot even walk off the stage. he finishes his speech and looks , well, he can't fight. he has no idea. he can't even walk off the front
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and jump or something. he usually walks through the back into a wall. there's a wall there. there is a wall, cannot watch -- walk offstage, string sentences together, but he's negotiating with president xi jinping. when i say he is very smart, the press, that's a lot of press back there, that's a lot. for him to negotiate with president xi jinping of china is like my football team playing, what's good team nowadays, philadelphia is good, they changed a bit. i used to say new england and the patriots. i would love to be able to say the patriots, great guy, great coach. but they've been having a hard time. what's going on with the patriots? he's a great coach. the figure it out somehow. he's going to figure it out. that was not a good game last night, was it.
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but it's playing a professional team, it's ridiculous for him to negotiate with these people. these people are at the top of their game, and we have somebody that 30 years ago was not at the top of any game. he was not 30 years ago. he was a glad hand, that's all he was. and ted kennedy told me that, can you believe he was a friend of mine? he was for certain reasons. as president i stood up to china like no administration has done before, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars into our treasury and took a bite out of china. i even got farmers, and there are plenty of people in here, i got the farmers $20 billion from china. who the hell else is going to do that? [applause] my people told me please don't do that, you sound so arrogant, because i went to iowa and nebraska in different places, and i say were going to wen yu
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so big for farms. were going to win in wisconsin, i did so much for them. i got $20 billion. all of these people, they were taken advantage of. i asked her secretary of agriculture what do you think the damage has been that they have caused over the last number of years before my term? they have caused tremendous damage to the farmers. eddie comes back and he says sir, possibly $20 billion. all right, i'm going to tariff them for $28 billion for the farmers. who else would do that, who else would even think of that, can you imagine? do you think desantis or any of these -- do you think biden, he doesn't know he's alive. biden is going to say let's give $28 billion for the farmers, he doesn't even like farmers. he doesn't like minorities. that's true, isn't it. nobody ever says that, but it's true. he does not like minorities.
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but you take a look at that and while i am definitely willing i, we just got batch -- back and it was great. and i said i don't want to sound arrogant, but i know i'm going to win in iowa and my people were like you're so arrogant. i got them $48 billion, who else is going to do it, and everyone he laughed, we had a good time. but it was $20 billion, how death -- how do i lose if i got you all that money? what ron desantis opposed my china tariffs, we took in hundreds of billions of dollars, that 20 billion was a portion of it and we give it to farmers, we took in hundreds of billions. not one president of our country has taken in $.10 from china, not $.10. and i have taken hundreds of millions of dollars. they did not like me too much. they did not like me so much. [applause] ron desantis, and i'm not even
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sure i should be talking about him, he is so far down, is there anybody else i should be talking about, bird brain? do i talk about anybody else? he's followed like a wounded bird from the sky. he has sided with the communists in china, and i fought for the workers of america. he was against what we did, he was against what we did. and most offensive of all the people of new hampshire, desantis pushed a 23% national sales tax, which means that he is 100%, in my opinion, unelectable. when you do that. you know, the sales tax was one thing, but he also pushed very strong on doing that damage and even extinguishing social security. and he wanted the minimum age to be 70. he voted on that three times. it's hard for him to deny it. but the national sales tax was pulverized and it decimated
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hard-working families in this state almost more than most others. were not going to let that happen. a politician has a bad idea -- an idea and goes away from it, saying that i was only kidding when i was going to pulverize social security. i was only kidding. but they always go back to it. they always go back to it. they go back to their first idea which is where they are, desantis also very much herded medicare -- hurt medicare and wanted to hurt. i ended the did -- disaster known as nafta, the worst trade deal probably ever made. we replaced it with the usmca, u.s., mexico, canada, the best trade deal ever made. believe it or not, the deal i made with china is even better, they have to buy $50 billion in product, but i don't talk about it because of covid.
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we had the greatest economy in the history of the world and i built it and rebuilt it and the stock market was higher than it was pre-covid, it was amazing, we did a great job on something that nobody had any idea what it was. we did a great job, let the governors run it, the governors did a great job like henry mcmaster of south carolina. governor noem. south dakota. tennessee did a very good job. and they kept them open. florida was not kept open, just in case you have any questions. they got back. but it was not kept open. some people forget history but it is easy to go back, especially with the internet, it takes two seconds where the beaches are closed and the hotels and everything. and we did a great job on that. and let the governors do it, we got them what they needed, we never got the credit on that one, but we got a lot of credit on other things like having
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created the strongest quarter in the history of our country. [applause] mr. trump: having created the greatest economy in the history of our country. a vote for glezman and fish -- i work for fishermen and lobster men here, nobody else cares about the fishermen and the lobster men. i did it because i selfishly love their lobster. but you couldn't get it. we got it. i opened it up. the 500 square miles, i opened it up. they wanted to close it up and i guess they wanted to do that, it's so crazy. making a deal with the european union to eliminate tariffs on american lobster. they were charging us tariffs and we were not charging them. i said i that you do that or we charge you double the tariffs you are charging us. they said we would be delighted in taking the tariffs off. took one phone call, but the you tariff reduction on any product, that's the first time they have ever done that and they did it.
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were going to do it to you with everything, not just lobster. and they dropped everything. i also opened up 5000 square miles of ocean off new england that barack hussein obama had closed. i don't know why. the most fertile area, almost like in the world, for a thing called fish. fish and lobster. and you want to let you use it. 500 skymiles. you know how deep you had to go, you had to go out to dangerous weight way out in the ocean and to this day nobody really tells me why. why did they do it? and they want to put it back again and now we are ready for the america first economic program, were going to make our country -- everybody is really down because our country looks so bad, we have no influence. everything is falling apart. everything he has done has been bad. everything. and i have a little list that i'm going to read in a second.
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everything that he has done is a failure. the open border, relations with other countries, we don't even have any allies anymore, they don't respect us. we don't have any, we have nothing going. you take a look, china is our best ally with him. but he has to because they paid him so much money we have no choice. got plenty of money out of china. remember russia during the debate? i said how come the mayor of moscow's wife gave you $3.5 million in cash and chris wallace, how is he doing, not so good. chris wallace, the moderator for fox. you're not a s that question. why not, he got $3.5 million from the mayor of moscow. why are not -- we not allowed to ask that? well it's inappropriate, because now that turns out that the big scandal. i'm always a couple years ahead of schedule, that's ok.
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[applause] mr. trump: we got money from a lot of countries. when i am reelected, we will have these incredible tax cuts, and regulation cuts. we cut regulations and taxes more than anybody else. but we're going to get more because we have so much money coming in from energy because -- that we won't have to toil with social security or medicare. when i go to saudi arabia and talk to the saudi's and they order 200 new planes they asked me -- i asked them how they get the financing. they have nothing but cash paired we have more than they do. we can do so well. we don't have to terminate some buddy that has worked their whole life, there social security, or play with their medicare like desantis wants to do and all these other candidates want to do, because they have no idea.
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i've got candidates, aidan hutchinson, he's pulling -- pulling zero. the guys at zero, i'm 70 points higher than him, and i'm supposed to be standing? [applause] mr. trump: you talk about trumped arrangement syndrome. he is deranged, chris christie is the range. -- and arrange. it's just so funny. what you think of our coming, donald trump is a horrible human being, horrible. it's tough when you don't give summer lee a job and they are supposed to be nice. i never trusted him enough to give him a job, but he endorsed me right after a big debate, had a debate up here and he endorsed me immediately, i did not choose to do that. when you don't give people jobs or when you fire people, they tend to get quite vicious.
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and he isn't arranged human being. and you have others, pulling for -- they are pulling at 4, 5, 6, zero. one guy is at minus zero, and troubleshoot debate him? we have had two debates, i have not participated, they got the lowest ratings in the history of debates. lowest ratings, thank you. i went up to michigan to save the united auto workers from their union, because the union was negotiating a terrible thing can, --, -- they were talking about hourly wages but not electric vehicles, they can talk about what does all they want but not the electric vehicles. i was up in michigan are they were debating, and my vote numbers went up another six point -- hyson -- 6-7%.
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and i think that if the autoworkers and the united auto workers listen to their union, unless the union changes and their started to change, headaches plain to them, and i think that she would think that there were no that, it's their full-time job, you would think that you -- they would know you can't approve the mandates because all of those cars are going to be made in china. that is where the materials and minerals are, that is where the batteries are. we have this thing called gasoline under our feet, i call it liquid gold. oil. right under our feet, more than anybody, i call it liquid gold, that is what we have, and we don't take advantage of it. and we go to china. can you imagine if china was sitting on what we have? they would be even more successful. they would not be doing the stupid things that we do to protect new hampshire workers and families i will oppose --
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impose a tariff on all foreign made goods because we have to do that. that's not going to be attacks on you. the wall street journal, which is totally globalist, they want to protect that, they don't care about this country. they say it is a tax on you. number one, it gives you tremendous negotiating power. i will give an example. on the border, i got mexico to pay for 28,000 soldiers. 20,000. because i said if you don't pay will put a tariff on all the cars. they took a huge percentage of our industry. 32%. i said to them, we have people coming in through this obama group, like you wouldn't believe. i said we have to close up our borders, they have to come in legally. now you look at what has happened, it's just so crazy. but i said very strongly know, you're going to have to give us $28,000 to protect our border, that is why we have the greatest
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border in history. all those people saying donald trump never got money, i got 20,000 soldiers, that's much more than anybody could get by giving us a couple of bucks to help filled a wall. but there was no legal mechanism where you could do that. you gotta give us 20,000, they said no. i said you also have to give us is -- stay in mexico remain in mexico, that's a big thing, they were remaining in our country. it was called remain in the united states for the rest of your life. no, they have to remain in mexico until we check them out and see and most of them did not check out, they came from prisons and mental institutions and lots of places. and all this woman did was work on mexico for 25 years and she said sir they will never do this, because she has never gotten anything from them. they will do it. she said they won't. 100% up to it. and also catch and release, you
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catch them and you release them into america, you caps on, there criminal. they caps on, what your crime, murder. ok, well, please show up in three or four years for court. only the really dumb once shot. nobody shows up. you know who shows up for court, were going to release you on the honor system, in four-year -- in four years please come back for a case. 1% of them come back, and they're not very smart. they come back. everyone else is illegally in this country. we are taking that up at 50 million people in the last short. -- short stretch of time. i said mexico, you have to pay for the soldiers. among the free of charge. they said you have to be kidding, why would we do that, you're going to do it. they set their top representative, and i said very nice guy, right under the president, they knew i was not happy about people coming in from mexico in caravans.
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they said that their top person, nice man, he said that we want to that. i said yes you will. he said no sir you want. i'm telling you we will not to. yes you will, 100%, you'll do it. he said no were not going to do it, here's what i tell you. i have a piece of paper and i'm sending it, it was a friday afternoon, on monday morning at 7:00 in the morning, there is a 25% tariff that is going to be placed on all of your cars, and all of your goods, and all of the billions and billions of dollars that you succor us with and you sell into the united states and it is 25%. that is much more than the cost of 20,000 soldiers. remember what 20,000 soldiers is, that's a lot. these are poncho via, they have bullets across, not politically correct like our soldiers had to be politically correct. if you say excuse me ma'am, you're not like to be here, if you see that in a bad tone they want to put you in jail.
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what they've done to our military is terrible. i hate -- i rebuilt the entire military, will get back to that because we have great mill terry potential. we had the soldiers, and i said i'm going to put a 25% tariff on all of these products and 25% tax, everything, and it's going to start on monday morning, mr. president, i would like to make a phone call, five minutes later. sir, it would be right on her to put 20,000 soldiers free of charge under border. this would be a great honor for us. catch and release, you win that too, stay in mexico you and that too, you win everything sir, please don't do that, sir. we got everything. we got everything. but we don't do that with this administration. this administration does not do things like that. i will also pass what we will call the trump reciprocal trade act, if china or any other country mixes pay, they charge
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us massive tariffs to do business in the country, if businesses need to china and build a factory in china because they don't want to pay the tariff, and they make us pay 100 or two per hundred percent tariffs then we will take them pay exactly the same, reciprocal of 100-2 hundred percent. if we're paying them they are paying us. one of two things will happen. we will need to take in a lot of money or we both agree to forget it and there is no tax. and probably the second thing will happen more often than not. and the texans on four countries go up and taxes on american workers families and small businesses will, because of what i did, go down. people like the wall street journal are so mixed up, they don't know what to do. they don't think -- like things like this. they want china to do well and other countries to do well, much more so than they want, rock --
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rupert murdoch is a globalist come up more than they want anybody. i don't even think they want us to do well, if you want to know the truth. i have seen too many things. they want other countries to do well, so they will fight this. but smart people in congress and smart people in the senate are going to approve it. i will revoke china's most favored nation trade status because they are developing country. and we will impose stiff penalties on china and other trade businesses. just so you understand, they are a favored nation because they say we are developing nation. we are developing nation, so are we, have you seen our cities? our cities are going to hell. the whole country is going to hell. we are a developing nation, we are more of a developing nation than they are. they have a better school system, were going to terminate the department of education. [applause] mr. trump: yes. almost the first thing were
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going to do. were going to let local government and states run education. we are going to let the states run education. we spend more per-pupil than any country anywhere in the world, and yet we are at the bottom of the list, number 38, 39 out of 40. we spent and sometimes triple per-pupil more than any other. you have denmark, norway, sweden, china is a top country, can you imagine, with 1.4 billion people. china is a top country, and they do a very good job. we don't do a good job. it's like my famous statement that i may have made numerous times a lot -- about a lot of different things, what do we have to lose? if you move to new hampshire and iowa and south carolina and all of these great states and you will run your education and we
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have nobody in washington, maybe one person at one desk who is perhaps the secretary zinke are you sure you are teaching english? there are couple of basics. a couple of basics. but it is no wonder the far left lunatics are getting desperate to stop our movement by any means necessary. and as you know, crooked joe biden and his radical left thugs have weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent. me. i been arrested, can you believe it? that's the mugshot. i never thought that that. i wonder what my father and mother are saying as they look down. mugshots aren't supposed to be in the family. sorry, dad. i'm glad they were tremendously. a mugshot. that was never supposed to happen, politically, think of it, a mugshot. i had a mugshot. but it turned out quite good. [applause] mr. trump: over nothing.
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it's all coming out of washington. and it's all high-level into -- election interference. they want to demean you and destroy you so that when you run against this man who is mentally incapacitated you have to lose, that is the only way they can win, they have to cheat. they can't win when all their policies of open borders, high taxes and high interest rates, no voter id, no voter id, with other policies, they can't win. the only way they know how to win is by cheating. this is a form of cheating. this is third world country stuff, arrestor opponent, and that means i could do that, i can say well, there's somebody over there. but you see what's happening, you see what is started. i have always read that survey does a good job, leaves off and works hard, and you just don't -- you treat them with respect. i got indicted four times in
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three civil trials by cuckoo birds, it's just unbelievable. and they think that -- if i can keep them out of all of these states, and keep the courthouses busy as hell, they don't care until after the election. you know, i would've decided not to run and never done any of this stuff if i was in third or fourth or fifth place. i would not have any of this stuff. but i'm leaving biden by a lot and i'm leaving all of the republicans by a massive amount. [applause] mr. trump: somebody said you don't have to come to new hampshire, you're leaving by 44 points, you don't have become. i said no way. how about if i come, i'm not going to come. none of. i don't have the courage to tell those great people, there are
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thousands of people outside, you will be happy to know. santos had a thing yesterday, he got 33 people showing up we have that times a thousand. and the republican primary is an example of the survey usa, this is considered na+ poll, that's how they rate them, abcd, then you have real beauties. this is na+ poll, survey usa poll has us at 65% and desantis sinking rapidly, going down. sinking like a rock. and the general election, i'm beating biden by a lot. it's interesting, a friend of mine heard i was up by nine or 10 points on biden and he said he is not a political person. how can it only be that much. they have an automatic constituency mr. senator, we know that. they have a constituency of
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various, i don't want to -- a lot of those constituencies will come our way. i'm not going to talk about that. they have automatic votes that get them to 38% without doing anything. you could be a guy like biden, dumb as a rock. who does not know what he is doing, allowing horrible things to happen to our country, letting our country be destroyed, and he probably, maybe he doesn't know it. there are people around his desk, fascists and communists, he is perfect for them. they didn't want him and then they found out he is the perfect guy, because he will do anything we tell him. the radical left democrats reach the presidential election of 2020 and we're not going to let them break the presidential election in 2024. [applause] mr. trump: we got almost 12 million more votes.
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we did much better the second, it drives them crazy. we got 63 million votes. we got 63 million. the first time. and i was told we got 63, sir, you cannot lose. that's what a great pollster tommy -- told me, you got 63, you can't lose. we had almost 12 million more votes than that, and that is with their accounting. their accounting is crooked as hell. they say that we lost, but we know the real answer and we have so much. if we only had judges that had the courage to do what they should have done, every time the radical left democrats and marxists and communists and fascists indict me, i consider it a great badge of honor because i am being indicted for you. i am being indicted for you. it's true. i got indicted morton the great,
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legendary alphonse capone, has anybody ever heard of him? you're too young to know about it. al capone, if you looked at him the wrong way he would kill you. this was a seriously tough mobster. i guess you would call them the king of the mobsters. al capone only got indicted once, i got indicted four times. it's amazing how all of these things happen right smack in the middle of all these trials, i get these judges, i won't even tell you appointed them, the one judge in washington, we want the judge and the trail to start, before super tuesday, the day before super tuesday. your political people, hampshire -- new hampshire is political, a lot of people wanted new hampshire to go back. we did not let that happen. but new hampshire is very very political.
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we have a judge in washington, the trial date starts on such and such. you know what the day is, the day before super tuesday, the biggest of all, that's when all of the states get in. all they do is they just expose themselves. they just expose themselves for what they are. never forget our enemies want to stop us because we are the only ones who can stop them. they want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. and they want to take away your freedom. [applause] mr. trump: becoming a communist state. we are becoming a communist state. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. in the end, they're not after me, thereafter you. i just happen to be standing in their way. i will continue to stand in their way. remember what i used to say at rallies, we will never become a
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socialist nation. i used to say it all the time. and i was right. we have gone right to communism. skip this step. we have gone right to marxism. we were never socialists because we skipped over socialism and went to communism. we created the most secure border. the things we have done are credible. the border, best in u.s. history, built over 500 miles of portable, i told you we are going to build another 200 and they did not want to do it. i have a thing if you want, hesitantly heard about the snake? this has to do with the border. this has to do with israel because of what happened. i thought it might be in a hurry to get the hell out of here. nobody is in a hurry, right? this has to do with borders, people coming in, has to do with people coming in from jails and
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mental institutions, and now it even pertains to israel, what happened yesterday was incredible. so many people killed, i don't know if you're hurt, the number was much bigger than reported even this morning. it's a very big number. very very big number. vicious, young children just slaughtered. terrible what is going on. that's the state. people love it, and i do it, if people want to hear, some people have heard it and some people have not. but will do it, right? on the way to work one morning, down the path along the lake a tenderhearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake. his pretty scut -- pretty colored skin had been frosted with the dew, poor thing she cried all take human, and i'll take care of you. border, people coming in. i'll take care of you. take me in for heaven's sake,
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take me in, oh tender woman, cite the vicious snake. she wrapped him cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her fireside. with some honey and some milk. she came home from work that night and as soon as she arrived she found the snake she had taken had been revived. take me in oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake, take me in, oh tender woman, cried the vicious snake. she clutched into her prison, you are so beautiful, she cried. but if i hadn't brought you and by not you truly would have died. she stroked his pretties skinned again and kissed and held him tight, but instead of saying thank you ma'am, the snake gave her up vicious bite. take man, oh tender woman, taping me in for heaven sake, take me in, oh tender woman,
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cried the vicious snake. oh, this is so had to hear, look, she's crying at the front, don't cry, learn from this. she's crying. i saved you, cried the woman and you put me, but why? you know your point is poisonous, and now i'm going to die. shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin, you knew tim well i was a snake, before you took me in. that's what's happening on our border. that's what's happening on our border. this is just a little thing that i did once and i liked it, and i did it again, and some people like -- liked it. were taking people in our country that are involved with israel that were attacked,
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people from all over the world, many of them from prisons and insane asylums, we don't use that, that's silence of the lamb stuff, that serious. mental institutions, uses backstage, sir, can you not use the term insane asylum, that's very tough. silence of the lambs, hannibal lector. i said well, we have to do that, we have to use the term, we are taking these people in. side the vicious snake. we are going to be taking in terrorists from all over the world, you know, in 2019 they did anything, they had no terrorists for long. -- stretch of time. and now they announced thousands of terrorists are coming into our country. when i was your president i -- white hat peace and strength, and now we have conflict and
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chaos. the atrocities we are witnessing in israel would never have happened if i was president, would never have happened. when i was commander-in-chief, we reduced the iranian economy and i withdrew from the nuclear deal and imposed sanction on -- sanctions on the regime and imposed the travel ban to keep terrorists the hell out of our country. now they are pouring into our country. joe biden undated and gave billions and billions of dollars to the world's top sponsor of terror. testing israel to the bloodthirsty terrorists and jihadists. you saw that just recently, bidens national security advisor jake sullivan, this was a couple of days ago. like yesterday. he bragged to a for policy audience, quote, the middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. how is that working out?
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they just attacked israel. and it's been a hotbed beyond that, even beyond that. this war happen for three reasons. allowing by the biden administration of iran to sell massive amounts of oil, making $60 billion. people don't talk about that, they talk about the 6 billion, but they give them $6 billion in ransom money, and we got six, they got sick. we got five, they got five. but then what happens is they got $6 billion. we got five. they got five. on top of the five, they got $6 billion. somehow, that's not a good deal. and our country is perceived as weak and incompetent, joe biden is laughed at all over the world, and joe biden trade israel. when i see netanyahu come and try to talk him into doing something, they never do it. they never do.
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it's a real problem, i can't imagine how anybody who is jewish boar who loves israel and frankly the evangelicals just love israel, i can't imagine anybody voting democrat, let alone for this man who is totally, he was shot 30 years ago, he is more shot now. it was problem -- these problems were caused by cricket joe biden. he is negotiating with all of these different deals, but he is not really negotiating because he doesn't have time in the day, he spent most of the day sleeping. he can't put two sentences together. he can't do anything, we have an incompetent man as our president. worst president in the history of our country. the only other one that is happy about it is jimmy carter. it's true. jimmy's throat. but this problem was -- jimmy's throat. but this problem was caused by barack hussein obama. remember rush limbaugh, do we like rush?
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barack hussein obama. it was caused by obama, the boss of cooker joe. and his people who are running the white house. his people run the white house. and they are running these vicious witchhunts and investigations and -- on me, because i do not think that biden knows what the hell he is doing. but they moan about election interference. even the judge, who i have in washington who is absolutely biased happens to be an obama appointee. how do you think that will go there, nice? very nice, i'm sure. she's going to give me a fair trial. i can't get a fair trial in washington because i called for a federal takeover of the city so that we could and crime and squalor and homelessness and bring back the capital of our nation to be the most beautiful capital of any country in the world. [applause] mr. trump: were supposed to have
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a trial, i said take it away from the city. now were going to make it beautiful and we will do it and will be fine. were going to be fine. i don't know, i got all these people, these horrible, horrible cricket people, but somehow were going to be fine. how are you doing it sir, i say whatever. were going to be fine, because that's the way it works out. the public understands it so well. that's why i am the only man ever indicted going up in the polls substantially. [laughter] [applause] mr. trump: everybody gets indicted ladies and gentlemen, unbelievable. i'm the only man who has ever been indicted and is going up. would you check that when we go to washington, i'm pretty sure. how would you like to be indicted mr. thompson, you would resign immediately, retire with your pitiful wife, that would be the end of it. but we have a voice and we can explain it and when we explained that people understand it's a big scam and a hoax like russia russia russia, like pfizer and
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all of the things that were scams, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. the holes -- whole thing was a scam. i will stand strongly with the state of israel and we will cut off the money to the terrorists on day one. [applause] mr. trump: andrew coster travel ban en terror-afflicted countries. the travel ban. i don't like talking about it, but now i can because the time is up, i went for years without a problem. for years, because i had a travel ban. and the islamic, it was very tough for them. we didn't have a problem in four years. people forget that. people forget what happened before i was there. we had a big, big problem. but the bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never ever be allowed to happen on american soil except for the
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fact that we have now allowed tens of thousands of probable terrorists into our country. we have people coming, man, coming in from china by the thousands. men, not women, men. coming in by the thousands. we have been coming for the middle east by the thousands and thousands. they let them come in and just come right in. there's something going on, we're going to be -- have to be careful, we don't have smart leadership we won't have a country any longer. less than four years ago, we had peace in the middle east with the abraham accords. today we have all out war in israel which will spread quickly. what a difference a president makes, isn't it amazing? what country. think about what our country would have been like if the election had not been raked and sold. think of this. israel would not be under attack, zero chance. 100%.
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ukraine would not be under attack by russia, zero chance. the place is being wiped out, those cities are just obliterated. and they say when you find the real death toll in ukraine, you're not going to believe it. the numbers are horrible. we would have no hostile relationship with north korea. i get along with kim jong-un very well. we would have left afghanistan with dignity, strength and power. instead of the worst embarrassment in the history of our country. dead soldiers, american hostages not taken back. we left $85 billion worth of military equipment for the taliban to have lots of fun with. they are selling much of it. they are the third-largest merchant in the whole world of military equipment. they are selling, think of it, number three, selling the equipment we stupidly left behind. these are stupid, very stupid
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people. we would have the strongest border. in afghanistan, i spoke to abdul, the head of the taliban, the press went crazy. i said abdul, never ever kill any of our soldiers again. 18 months we went, we went not one soldier killed in afghanistan for 18 months, not one soldier, a guarantor have. for 18 months we didn't lose, 18 months we do not lose any. nobody's ever seen anything like it during obama. i told him don't ever do it. he said why do you send me, but why do you send me a picture of my home? i said you have to figure that one out. we will hit you harder than anybody has ever been hit. but the same people that attacked israel are pouring into our once beautiful usa, throughout our totally open southern border. coming in at record levels.
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and they are planning, maybe other planning an attack in our homeland? maybe that could happen, couldn't it? what you have witnessed in the last two days could happen, took joe biden and his boss barack hussein obama did this to us. we had the strongest economy in the world, and we would have had, think of it, right now, the strongest economy anywhere in the world, there would be no inflation, zero. we would have zero inflation, interest rates would be low because we would have had energy and energy drove everything up. mortgage rates, which i told you are the highest in decades would be low. we would be energy independent and making a lot of money. we would be energy dominant. at all of this money would go towards paying off our national debt and reducing your taxes further, the largest tax decrease ever come of united auto workers, and autoworkers
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all over would not be under siege with this rigid -- ridiculous electric vehicle mandate. it's ridiculous. it's ridiculous. it's crazy. it's a gift to china. china loves gift -- gifts, i wonder why. autoworkers want have jobs in two years. they have to be careful, always endorse and support demographic. they should endorse us because i said to the head of the union, if you endorses, you can go away on vacation for three months and you will be the greatest head of a union in the history of america because i will bring back the auto industry like you have never seen. let's see what they do. in other words we would be living in a much different world. we would be respected again, and i would not have to say make a bigger grade again, because -- make america great again, because we would just have to
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say keep america great. right now america is a feeling, very sadly failing nation. when i am at the white house, the entire world will know that america is strong and safe and that we are going to take care of our people and take care of the men and women of our country, and we are not going to worry about the rest of the world. we will do that when necessary, and take care of our country because we are losing our country. we are losing our country. i will obliterate the deep state, i started that. i fired, and got rid of a lot of the fbi people. and we will stop the weaponization of our government and overhaul the corrupt fbi and doj from the ground up. they are corrupt. corrupt. before i even arrive at the oval office, shortly after we win the presidency, we are going to win the presidency, i will have the war between russia and ukraine
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settled. i will get it settled and it will be done quickly and fairly, and i am the only candidate who can make this promise. i will do something the videos can say. when i was running against crooked hillary, beautiful hillary, i was running against her, she said he will start a war because of his personality. no no. my personality is what kept us out. we had no wars. [applause] mr. trump: we beat isis and came home from syria and iraq. it was just the opposite, it's called dealing from strength, i will do something nobody else will be able to do and i say it with a guarantee, i will prevent world war iii. were going to have world war iii. were going to have world war iii. i see it happening. you have things happening and the president that has no clue what is going on, on my first day back, i will terminate every open border policy of the biden administration and begin the
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largest deportation operation in american history. i will also use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries, we will do that immediately. and under my administration, we will reduce drug overdose deaths. it's gonna buy 90% in new hampshire, it was doing like a skyrocket, at least we got it turned and we were doing big things. hunter barton, -- hunter biden, they are up 13%, and as i've said many times we will destroy the cartels as we destroyed isis. you know, i beat isis. they were fighting isis for 20 years and i defeated them in less than four weeks. because i wanted to defeat them and we have a great military, and i bet -- let the military do its job. ok. [applause] i will ask congress to ensure
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that winning drug dealer is caught, smuggler, human trafficker, and we have it worse than any state in the nation, when we catch a drug dealer, the only way you're going to stop it is the death penalty. and if you go to china. remember, each drug dealer on average causes 500 deaths. not to mention the destruction of families. and put you people are in this room where their family have been -- has been destroyed because a kid died or was incapacitated for the rest of their life. each drug dealer causes 500 deaths, plus destruction of families. when you have a death in your family like that, that's a pretty good destruction of the family. most families can never function after that, when they lose their child. the death penalty for drug dealers. very simple. you will see it and so fast.
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you will see it and so fast. when i was in china, i said to president xi jinping, do you have a drug problem. no no no, you don't have a drug problem? you have 1.4 billion people. neutral problem. and i said was that. quick trial. i knew what he was talking about. he said quick trial. that means what he think it means, we catch the drug dealer, we give them a trial immediately, and if they are guilty, they are executed. we know, they send the cost of the bullet to the family and they play hardball. they don't have a drug problem. it singapore they have zero drug problems. because they have the death penalty. now, i don't know if this country is ready for the death penalty, but remember, every single drug dealer causes 500 deaths and destroys states.
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your state is being destroyed because of it. i don't know why, new hampshire is affected more than most other states for some reason. but if you had the death penalty, everybody would leave and say let's go someplace else. we set up when i was president, we did a good job, we cut 19%, but 90% is not good. we cut it down 19, it went up for 40 years, 90%, we cut it. and we will have a blue-ribbon committee made of socialites, headed up by a great first lady in many cases, she's wonderful. and have a beautiful, nice committee, dealing with these sponsors the cartel people and monsters that are very smart, rich as hell and have plenty of everything. and these blue-ribbon committees, everybody wanted to be on them, i wanted to be on the committee. and they would talk about society and life and they get on with their lives.
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if you want to stop the drug problem, you have to have the death penalty for drug dealers, very simple. i'm totally in favor of it. i don't know whether or not our country is ready for it. it's not ready now, when is it going to be? they've been using that hundred thousand for years now, even less. i think we're losing three or 400,000 people a year. and if you add the destruction they are doing to the fabric of our society to it, it's astronomical. if you want to stop it, you have to go with the death penalty for drug dealers. i just want to conclude by saying all of the things that you want are to be done. i am a conservative person, but when they say conservative essay really more than conservative, i am a person of common sense just like the people in this audience. [applause] mr. trump: because common sense is -- common sense is so important.
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and what we would love you to do is to get out and joined the campaign. we have some of the people, we have incredible people involved in the campaign, i love them all. steve, i don't know where you are, if you are some place in the room. but i love you all. get out and support our campaign. and the way that you absolutely win is you have to swap them. be a have to swap them. because they can and will always cheat and you understand that. they will always cheat. but when you swap them, they can only achieve so much. that is what we have to do. we have to have numbers bigger than we had in 2020, which were record setting. the most votes ever gotten by a sitting president. and yet they did terrible, terrible things. terrible for our country. and the world knows it and most people know when you look at polls most people know and we cannot let it happen again. with you at my side we will go and have a tremendous success that is going to be a success
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like no other, it will be the biggest event in political history, it will be bigger than 2016. we are going to do a great job, and i appreciate new hampshire, so many friends up here and in the room, and we love you very much, thank you, cap less you all, thank you very much. -- god bless you all, thank you very much. ♪
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>> c-span's campaign 2024 coverage is your front-row seat to the presidential election. watch as we follow candidates on the campaign trail with speeches and more as you make up your own mind. campaign 2024 from the c-span network, c-span now, our free mobile video app or anytime online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. an update on the house speaker elections. the house majority friday with no further progress on finding a replacement for kevin hy. republicans tried again to find a candidate supported by the entire caucus but neither of two declared candidates garnered enough support. the conference voted 124 281 to
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nominate jim jordan for the post but a subsequent poll indicated that 55 republicans would not commit to supporting him when it comes to a full vote. members will meet next on monday at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. no speaker votes are currently watch the house live o c-span. and a reminder, follow the story away from your watch all the coverage and live events surrounding the speaker ection on c-span now, our free mobile video app available now wherever you get your apps. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including comcast. are you thinking this is just a community center? no, this is more than that. comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast supports c-span as a public service along wh these
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other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> up next, 2024 republican presidential hopefuls including mike pence and tim stt speak to voters at the first in the nation leadership summit in new hampshire. then a discussion on the biden administration's trade policy with trade representative katherine tai. a little bit later, a house judiciary subcommittee looks at violent crime in washington, d.c.. >> several republican presidential candidates spoke in new hampshire this weekend. here's a look at some of those remarks. >> let's lean in on current events, things are happening. we know right now overseas troops are amassing at the border of gaza and an announcement has been given to the residents of gaza that they have a short period of time to evacuate. things are as ligh.